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Coverland RadenShield Ecosential double-sided reflective insulation, 1.5 x 30m roll, designed for energy-efficient roofing applications.

Coverland - RadenShield Ecosential Double-sided 1.5x30m

Coverland RadenShield single-sided reflective insulation, 1.5 x 30m roll, ideal for improving energy efficiency in roofing applications.

Coverland - RadenShield Single-sided 1.5x30m

Coverland - RadenShield Industrial 1.5x33.33m

R2,025.84 R1,761.60
Availability: In stock
Delivery Time 1 Day
If Collecting Coverland
UOM Roll
The BMI Coverland RadenShield™ Industrial is a high-performance, double-sided aluminium radiant barrier designed for buildings with galvanized sheet cladding or tiled roofs.
  • Superior Reflective Insulation: Reflects up to 97% of radiant heat, enhancing indoor comfort.
  • Enhanced Durability: Constructed with a synthetic, non-porous woven fabric, ensuring high tensile strength and tear resistance.
  • Effective Moisture Barrier: Acts as a moisture barrier, preventing leaks from damaged roofs.
  • Energy Efficiency Compliance: Recommended for compliance with SANS 10400-XA: 2021 Energy Efficiency regulations.